Sunday, January 16, 2011

Will Freedom Ever Return to Cuba?

My interest in politics started with learning about the Bill of Rights when I was in the 5th grade. My teacher Mr. Demetri was extraordinary, outside of the school he owned a swim-school with his wife; his older children were the instructors and life-guards there. During the class he gave us a lecture about what egalitarianism was what the consequences were to forcing material equality on everyone and used Cuba as the example.

My paternal grandfather emigrated with nothing from Slovakia in 1903 and built up his assets until he built and owned an apartment building and lived off the rents. My maternal grandfather was a business owner. So with the advance of Communism, my Eastern-European background and seeing that part of my family originated from a country that used egalitarianism as the philosophy it based its totalitarian ideology on this motivated me to think and act.

After the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia the first thing they did was replace the ideas of socialism with the ideas of free-market economists Friedrich August Hayek and Ludwig von Mises. I’m still waiting to see freedom return to Cuba.

Yours in Liberty,


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